1. Keep your site structured

Having a structured site makes it easy to decipher the content that you are trying to display.



2. Focus on what’s important

Having a relevant content and clear call-to-action will help your  make the decisions you want them to.



3. Stay on brand

Assuming you have your brand defined by a Designer, apply your business’ style to your site. Stay on-brand with colors, fonts, logos, copy tone etc. and your site will look cohesive and visually appealing.



4. Simplistic

Making your site simplistic can keep the aesthetic looking timeless, helping you to avoid rework in the coming years.



5. Invest in good copy

Keep your copy short, sweet, and to the point. If you find it difficult to write copy that is to the point and grabs attention, it would behoove you to hire someone.



6. Make your site easily scannable

Viewers usually spend 5 minutes or less trying to figure out what your website is about and what it has to offer. Provide your reader the right information and make the page easy to scan (#1 on our list).

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7. Minimize image overload

Having too many images can bog down the load time of your site. Keep your copy formatted as text rather than images of text.



8. Optimize load time

Many visitors can be impatient. Your page should load within 1-2 seconds. To do this avoid usage of large images (> 1mb), compressing stylesheets, and hosting any script files.



9. Mobile responsive

Many visitors are viewing sites with their mobile devices. Ensure that your site is optimized for mobile as well as desktop



10. Easily Navigable

Make your navigation easy to spot and easy to use.